Wednesday, July 7, 2010

On Fire!

I wish I was talking about my career. The weather in NYC has been scorching. I mean I've never perspired so much walking from one point to another. DAYUMMMMM! I even put an umbrella to shield me from the sun but that seemed to make things a little worse. Seems as though the umbrella was not only blocking the sun but any little bit of air trying to circulate around me. Yesterday was miserable. And if I don't find more ways to activate the results I want in my career, I'm going to be miserable.

So I jump started with a class yesterday. And today, myself, is on mission. I have got to delve into some more education. Money has been an issue, but I always seem to find few dollars for a cute little something after I've told myself a gazillion times I don't need another piece of clothing. I have got to get FOCUSED and REALLY SERIOUS. This is my life right now and if I plan to grow in my life and my career, I've got to stop making the same mistakes (financially) so that I can build my career and be able to build my family.

I'm not sure where the money will come from to be able to take the list of classes I want to take, or to put together everything else it's gonna take for me to generate results, but GOD always makes a way. But HE expects me to put things in motion so that HE can open up the doors. So this day, I pledge, that I am not buying another thing for at least 2 months. lol. steps. UNLESS of course I need it for something important, i.e. a shoot or job. But I think I'll be able to pull something together out of all the stuff I have at home.

I want and need to secure a space here. I have got to have some consistency when I come up. I don't need an apartment, just a solid foundation to lay my head. So I'm putting things in motion people. Growing up! And sometimes that takes years to do, I've found out. But we're all a work in progress. So in my journey to really take advantage of getting my career cookin' and on fire, I am claiming FOCUS, DETERMINATION, WILL POWER, AND PERSEVERANCE.

I suggest to you as well, whatever you've been slacking in or on, stop wasting time. You can party and shop to you drop later. One LIFE and only one chance to do your thing so don't waste another minute people.

Until next time ... GO AND GET THE DAMN THANG!

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