Sunday, October 12, 2014

I've Come to Far to Give Up

One morning perusing Facebook I came across something a friend wrote. "If life is what you make it, then I choose to make it!"   I have often said the first part of that quote to friends, family and people I mentor but the way my friend put it, "I choose to make it" resonated with me.

Work has been very slow.  It has been a bit frustrating but I'm hanging in there.  The auditions are few and far between and I know in large part that has to do with my union status.  One casting director informed me that 60-75% of the commercial work is non-union.  Big blow and very discouraging.  But I've had some holds (being highly considered) and have booked a couple small jobs. I'm thankful!

Of course, this isn't the first time, that what seems to be a halt in my career has happened but even having been in this business for a while and experiencing amazing success, there are times I feel like giving it up, walking away ...  calling it quits! Yup! : /  It's hard y'all.  Especially if you don't feel like you are where you are supposed to be.

I think of all the things I want to do in my life and sometimes those things seem so far fetched especially being in the business I'm in.  It is so up and down. Consistency doesn't even seem to exist. I mean even when you're hot it doesn't seem like the work you're getting will ever be enough ...(money).  You're on set checking your phone, waiting for the call for the next job.

Over the years I've learned to handle the slow periods a lot better but I never get used to it it seems. Even though I know GOD is working on my behalf I can still get tempted by my flesh to think
that things are falling apart or not working.  But I know that not to be true at all.  I've been down this road tons of times and GOD has always seen me through.  So why can't I just deal with it and stop complaining, feeling discourage and fed up? Human nature I suppose.  

At a time like this it is important that I focus on all that GOD has already blessed me with.  I read where someone said instead of doing a vision board, make an accomplishment board and focus on those things. Good idea right? I've been on national television, national ads, have met people I would have never thought I'd meet, I'm living in the city of dreams and opportunities are at my feet. Like really, Monique? I've accomplished more than most people have thought of.  All the reasons to get away from the pity party I wanna sometimes throw myself.

These times most importantly, help me understand why I must have a relationship with Jesus. Why I need to stay connected to HIM.  HE wants the very best for me so I should always want the very best for myself even when things aren't going the way I would like. I have come to far to just give up. So I get it together, get fueled by HIS word and put in some work.

Acting and modeling aren't my only talents/gifts but it is what I desire to do to make a living and GOD has opened up doors that have given me the opportunity to do it.  I don't hold all the cards but I must face my challenges and see them as opportunity to grow. There is always work to be done even if I'm not booking as much as would like.  Elizabeth Gilbert says: "Every single obstacle, challenge and temptation that you learn to manage will help you gain your talents and powers, and shed your fears.  

So I'm working on strengthening my gift, my talents, my relationships... ME!! I'm taking classes, writing, networking, working out and doing what's necessary to prepare myself for what HE's getting ready to bless me with professionally and personally.  I'm am getting excited just thinking about it.

T.D. Jakes says "Critical opposition comes in our lives because we are blessed.  When GOD puts something down inside of you, in order to birth it out, it takes work! And in that work we will be strengthened in the inner man until we deliver that thing GOD puts inside of us."

Until Next Time .... DON'T GIVE UP! (note to self)

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Union Status

I'm so late posting this but better late than never right? March 9th, 2014 marked 7 years from the time I left my 9 to 5 job in Silver Spring, Maryland to become a full-time model and commercial actress in New York City. Woo hoo! I'm still in this game of ups and downs - auditioning, going to castings, being put on hold, released or booked!

In January I was required to join the union ... SAG ... that would be the Screen Actors Guild y'all! #official! Yes I am an official union actor! I have to say it can be a bit intimidating in some ways! One, it cost a pretty penny to join and now you are among the best of the best. The latter not being a bad thing but definitely a sign that I have to step my game up.

Many actors are eligible to join SAG but many choose to hold off because of the amount of money it cost to join. But after you have booked a number of union jobs, normally about 3 for principle work you are required to join. No if ands or butts about it. If not you cannot do any SAG projects until you do so.

Seems like it should just be my choice if I want to join. However, sometimes we need to be pushed to another level. This was my destiny. Now whether I remain a union actor in good standing still remains to be seen. Read here: But I'm ready for the challenge. I mean after all I'm no big movie star making millions of dollars but it is possible to live quite comfortably as a commercial actress in the union. Read here:

Honestly, some of my agents weren't jumping up and down because it pulls me out of the non-union pool. Which isn't a bad thing but the way the industry is set up there seems to be a lot more union work, speaking from a commercial point of view, out there.  But this is an accomplishment. Some actors never have the opportunity to be a part of such a prestigious honor ... Shoot let alone make it past a year in the industry. I've managed to make 7 years and I'm still going!! GOD has everything to do with that. And maybe a little of me ; )

But I am so thankful for my agents and the many casting directors that believe in my talent as a model and actress. I'm grateful for the huge amount of support from friends, family and people I don't even know. It has helped me work harder and be appreciative for all that has happened not just in my career but in my life.

Over the years people have asked will I ever do film or tv. I'm not pursuing it but who knows. I definitely don't turn down opportunities to grow in my craft. Now that I'm union who knows where this next chapter of my life will take me. But I'm ready! I have to be. The next door that opens could be MAJOR!!!

Check out these two blog posts recently written about me as well as my Walmart spot, currently running, that made me a must join for the union. (I play the mom in the 80's and the grandmother in the 2000's.) looks like you have to copy and paste this link.

Until next time ... Dare to dream and then take that dream, grab it by the stars and ride it to the moon!

Saturday, January 11, 2014

Let It Be Healed

A few hours before my 40th birthday some information was shared with me.  It was shocking and hurtful. I couldn't even sleep through the night because it weighed so heavy on my spirit.  I tried to go through so many scenarios to make some sense of it but there were none.  It is wrong on so many levels. It's selfish and it's mean.

I thought immediately that this was a direct attack on me. I spoke with my mom and she said at one point,  Monique, it may not even be about you. I spoke with my father, and he said people have been doing this kind of thing since the beginning of time. Honestly, that's not what I wanted to hear. But I knew they were trying to help me through a tough situation.   Point blank period I was like this is wrong, its nasty and vindictive!! I was dumbfounded!

I thought about it for a week whether I would even entertain blogging about it. Not to publicize the situation but my feelings about it.  But it was on my spirit to because someone else may need to know how to deal in whatever situation they may be going through.  I have to say it is a hard pill to swallow.

BUT I have learned through this situation and all the tough and very low situations before it that I AM MADE OF SOMETHING. God would not bring me to it if HE could not bring me through it.  "Though he slay me, yet will I hope in him" (Job 13:15)  You don't quite know what you are made of until you've been under attack, through trial and tribulation.  You don't know how much you can endure or how much courage you have until pressure is applied to your life.

Some days you may feel like "will I make it through this mess?" "Why is this happening to me?" It's happening to you because you can handle it.   Sometimes its just the mess we need to save us.

You'll learn so many things as you mature and grow older, I hope. But one thing is for certain ... GOD IS WHO HE SAYS HE IS. Through all the disappointments, heartaches, bad decisions, regrets and sadness ... I am still here holding onto his word.  And so are you, my friend.  The bible says his grace is sufficient ... 

I have not always done the right thing. I've not always been the best daughter, sister or friend. I acknowledge that.  I'm not perfect. And I've been held accountable for my actions. But what  I do know at 40 years old that I am a good person and I am a strong person.   And throughout all the "not so good" the good definitely outweighs it.  Everyday, Im working on being a better me. And if that means going through some tough times ... then Im ready! Because GOD built me to handle whatever comes my way.

TD Jakes says don't let your flesh make decisions your head will have to deal with. If I am disciplined in my perspective then I will be victorious in my outcome.

Folks ... I've already won! 

Until Next Time ...   I know it hurts but  L E T   I T  B E   H E A L E D ...