Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Union Status

I'm so late posting this but better late than never right? March 9th, 2014 marked 7 years from the time I left my 9 to 5 job in Silver Spring, Maryland to become a full-time model and commercial actress in New York City. Woo hoo! I'm still in this game of ups and downs - auditioning, going to castings, being put on hold, released or booked!

In January I was required to join the union ... SAG ... that would be the Screen Actors Guild y'all! #official! Yes I am an official union actor! I have to say it can be a bit intimidating in some ways! One, it cost a pretty penny to join and now you are among the best of the best. The latter not being a bad thing but definitely a sign that I have to step my game up.

Many actors are eligible to join SAG but many choose to hold off because of the amount of money it cost to join. But after you have booked a number of union jobs, normally about 3 for principle work you are required to join. No if ands or butts about it. If not you cannot do any SAG projects until you do so.

Seems like it should just be my choice if I want to join. However, sometimes we need to be pushed to another level. This was my destiny. Now whether I remain a union actor in good standing still remains to be seen. Read here: But I'm ready for the challenge. I mean after all I'm no big movie star making millions of dollars but it is possible to live quite comfortably as a commercial actress in the union. Read here:

Honestly, some of my agents weren't jumping up and down because it pulls me out of the non-union pool. Which isn't a bad thing but the way the industry is set up there seems to be a lot more union work, speaking from a commercial point of view, out there.  But this is an accomplishment. Some actors never have the opportunity to be a part of such a prestigious honor ... Shoot let alone make it past a year in the industry. I've managed to make 7 years and I'm still going!! GOD has everything to do with that. And maybe a little of me ; )

But I am so thankful for my agents and the many casting directors that believe in my talent as a model and actress. I'm grateful for the huge amount of support from friends, family and people I don't even know. It has helped me work harder and be appreciative for all that has happened not just in my career but in my life.

Over the years people have asked will I ever do film or tv. I'm not pursuing it but who knows. I definitely don't turn down opportunities to grow in my craft. Now that I'm union who knows where this next chapter of my life will take me. But I'm ready! I have to be. The next door that opens could be MAJOR!!!

Check out these two blog posts recently written about me as well as my Walmart spot, currently running, that made me a must join for the union. (I play the mom in the 80's and the grandmother in the 2000's.) looks like you have to copy and paste this link.

Until next time ... Dare to dream and then take that dream, grab it by the stars and ride it to the moon!