Thursday, April 22, 2010

Turned Around to NC Bound

So last night, I got on the road from NYC about 8p. It was smooth sailing until I got to the Delaware Bridge. MAJOR TRAFFIC. Four lanes turned into one. But did I trip out ... NOPE! (pat on the back) Just dealt with it. Besides once I crossed over the bridge it was smooth sailing ... NOT!!! About 15 miles down the road 95 S was shut down. Picture the look on my face. I had to go through Dover to pick up 95 somewhere along the line. So with both the bridge and detour dilemmas, my arrival time home was pushed back 30 minutes or so. But, I made it home safely. AND soon after I was KNOCKED out.

Yesterday was slow. No castings/auditions this week. Just work! I could look at it as good and bad. I mean I still want to continue to be seen for future jobs, but I'm totally blessed and thankful for the 2 jobs I booked this week. Besides, as much moving around as I do, its always a breath of fresh air to have some down time. Just a little. : )

I did go to the city and have lunch with one of my girls and then we met up with another friend and just kicked it until it was ready for me to hit the road.

Today ... I hit the road again. I made it to North Cackalac. Right now I'm watching the Project Runway Finale and soon, will hit the hay. My call time is 8am. I'm booked for an 8 hour day, which is pretty standard but my agency said it'll be more like a 3 to 4 hour day. Niiiiice. It's just me so I can knock it out. Get back on the road, and prepare for the weekend, which will include cleaning, visiting family and admin work.

I'll look into some casting sites, register and update profiles. Just because I have agencies, doesn't mean I can't submit myself for projects. I don't just rely on the connections the agencies have. I have to build my own as well as increase my opportunity to be seen on projects that an agency might not submit me for. This is why it has been effective for me to have a list of agencies that I work with. And not just in NYC.

Why might an agency not submit you? Well the reasons could be numerous. A casting office may only request certain people to the audition or the agency may only have a certain number of talent they can send. Those are just a couple. But you can't be concerned with the why. You have to stay on top of your game and if necessary, submit yourself! Yeah... you can actually do that.

Well peeps, I'm missing the juicy drama going on on Project Runway. I don't have cable, so when I can catch a show I used to watch when I did, I'm tuned in.

So until next time ... GO GET IT!!!

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