5:00AM! Snooze. 515AM! Finally I make my way out of bed with only a few hours of sleep. I caught the 7AM bus back up to NYC. With only an agency appointment today, I'm desiring a busy week. I was moving a little slow this morning, but the wheels were turning in my head about WHAT'S NEXT? I'm on this entrepreneurial high and there's no stopping.
Struggling to get up so early can also cut out time to stop and pick up breakfast, but money is tight so I have just enough time to whip up a turkey bacon and egg white sandwich for the ride up. I also manage to cut up a nice crisp apple. However, the bus driver announced she'd be making a 15 minute stop along the NJ Turnpike, so I'll be able to load up on a few snacks for the rest of the ride. I wind up buying my favorite Planters Trail Mix (Nuts, Seeds and Raisins) and a ice cold Snapple iced tea.
My bus driver's name was Nefertiti King. Lucking up with a row to myself and a name like that, this week is destined to be great! LOL. But the sandwich I fixed ... there was nothing great about it. YUK!! WTH? Now there's not too many people that can mess up a simple breakfast sandwich, including myself. But that sandwich there, was not right. I wind up spitting out the last bite thinking I might get sick. I think some part of that sandwich expired. And its remains expired to the trash.
I'm hardly ever home so grocery shopping is minimal. But I'm usually good about checking dates and throwing things out. Obviously, I overlooked something. :/ I had to take a bite into my apple chunks early to get the nasty taste out of my mouth from that bland-wich.
Soon after, I throw the plugs in and decide to catch up on a few Z's. Thank GOD the bus was nice and quiet. Usually an early bus is. Everyone had to get up at the breaka breaka dawn to catch the darn thing. So sleep ... is inevitable. But before I can head to snoozeville, I notice the girl across from me is sleeping with her head in her arms. Imagine Samantha from Bewitched. What in the world? Is that comfortable? Is she crazy? Or is this one more sign of the great week ahead. So I decide to make 3 wishes and head to La La land.
This week I'm staying in Brooklyn. Got the place to myself too. My aunt (my sisters mother-in-law) is travelling with my sister and her family to Disney for my nieces track competition and vacation. So I'll be holding it down in Flatbush for the week.
I hit the city and head straight to one of my agencies to store my luggage. Not a bag but luggage. It's like Coming to America when I come in town. So thank GOD, one of my agency directors allows me to store my stuff whenever I need to. She's the bestest! Love you Mykola! ; )
I go over a few things with her and head to my appointment with another agency. The meeting goes well and I end up with more represenation on my roster. More opportunity for more work! Afterwards, I meet up with one of my home skillets for sushi at our favorite very inexpensive spots. Then I had a few errands to take care of, I head to BK, drop my bags off at the crib, head to target to stock up on my meals and treats for the week and catch the finale of the Housewives of NJ. Off the chain!
Now this is a treat for me. Back home I don't have cable so I get to see all the cable shows when I'm here. I can get really wrapped up in it and lose track of time but I can't get sidetracked. I barely watch tv at home so I can't lose my mind watching cable. So I mute the tv to take care of some things on the computer and of course, add an insert for my followers and any and all who stop by. But now, it's time for me to partake in some sleepation so I can get some revitalization for some motivation in the morning. LOL. In other words, time for bed!
I have a busy day tomorrow. 3 castings! Woo hoo. I've been holding for a job that shoots on Thursday since last week and I've not heard anything so we'll see. I also got another hold for another job that shoots on Sunday. Thats how it works people. Sometimes you'll be holding for something and the agency never even calls you to let you know you've been released. I usually put in a call to the agency, especially if another client is trying to book me on the same day. But I'm gonna chill on this one and see how the cookie crumbles. Whats for me is for me!
But things are looking bright! Wish me luck folks!
Until next time Go Get IT and Expect the Very Best!
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