Monday, July 26, 2010

My Testimony

Today is Monday... already. A few days home and tomorrow I'm back to NYC. I subscribe to, a christian based website that sends daily devotionals. I have over 200 of these devotionals sitting in a folder, waiting to be read. I decided a few weeks ago that I would wake up each morning and read at least 5 of them so I could try to catch up. Needless to say, that hasn't been happening.

Today proved different. I turned on my computer to check out an email someone sent me. Before I knew it, I was reading a devotional. What caught my eye was the word TESTIMONY. Usually, an entire week will be surrounded by a certain theme. The 5 I wind up reading all had to do with TESTIMONY. As I began reading, of course, it hit home. Ironic? No! Just the power of GOD and how and where he moves us to open our spirits to HIS presence and his working in our lives. Those messages were for me, right then.

As I've gotten older I've come to realize that GOD allows challenges, storms or struggles in your life to bring you closer to HIM. At least that's what I believe. Often times we can get so caught up in ourselves that we don't realize that GOD is always with us, guiding us through it all.

I got real caught up in ME this weekend. Feeling sorry for myself when I know that GOD has this think under control. But I'm human. I've also not been up to par with praying and meditating. HE KNOWS that. HE knows just how to get you back on track, hence the pity party I gave myself. In my reading, I came across this, "When HE presses down on our lives, GOD tends to break up those things we have relied upon for so long."

Which brings me to the 3 and half years I've relied on others to open their homes to me as I crashed on their futons and air mattresses, ate some of their food, sucked in their heat and AC, watched their televisions, used their water, towels, wash clothes and invaded their privacy. That whole process is now very uncomfortable for me. It's time for me to move on. I can't continue to rely or expect them to do this for me. I'm a grown woman making grown up decisions that affect me but should not have to affect everyone else. It's time to move on. GOD has made that very clear.

Will it be challenging? YES? But I've always made it through. ALWAYS. EVERY TIME. ALL THE TIME. I can't rely on people. I have to rely on GOD. HE's the only one that is consistent and constant. So why would I expect more from anyone other than the only ONE in control.

I wonder sometimes why I wasn't as "fortunate" as others that have family that live in other places. All of my family is here in DC. Except for my dad, who lives in SC now. But there's nothing going on in SC. LOL. Why couldn't I have a family living in NY? Why couldn't' t I have parents with loads of money, so they can help me get a place in NY? Why can't my career take off as quickly as I would like? Why? Why? Why?

I wasn't given all these material things but I was given a testimony! "We are given the power of eyewitness testimony to persuade others of GOD's grace, love and mercy and to encourage others. Let's be alert of the opportunities that GOD will give us to tell of our story of HIS working in our lives." That's pretty awesome. My story can encourage someone and through all the challenges they may face, I can say, "hey you'll make it through because I have, let me tell you why." WHAAAT? That's powerful! I AM very fortunate!

Embrace the struggles. "Understand that struggle serves as crucial evidence that GOD is near." "As long as you stay in the struggle, so will GOD." Your struggles give you a testimony.


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