Wednesday, November 13, 2013


Hey Blogger Family,

I know I know ... I have to do better at  posting.  The posts are few and far between but when I post I want it to be meaningful and really count for those of you who stop by to check in with whats going on with me.  Life is always happening ... whether I'm busy and being productive or I'm being lazy and watching television all day (unproductive).  Throughout the year a number of emotions settle in and sometimes I don't know if I'm coming or going.

The last two months I have been fasting.  I fasted in October and now I am currently fasting again.  I take on different sacrifice's. It could be anything.  Anything.  Mainly I try to choose things that prove to be a distraction or take up to much of my time unproductively. One year I fasted watching television for a week.  I got so much done including completing my website that I had procrastinated on starting for over a year. Got it done in two days.  Not to mention I was booking work like crazy! But more importantly it help me focus on more time with GOD. To hear his voice for guidance and wisdom, to focus on his word and what I needed to be doing personally and professionally.

I'm telling you y'all ... every time I fast ... GOD moves me FORWARD... ABUNDANTLY.  All of us experience periods of drought, discouragement, fear, craziness, sadness, regret ... all things negative to put us in a state of complacency and second guessing ourselves.  Sometimes I feel like I've accomplished nothing at all.  Like life is just standing still for me and I'm slowly sinking in a hole. But that's totally ridiculous, right? The enemy will trick you into believing that you are worthless, not important and a non-factor. The devil is a LIAR. I have so much to be thankful for and so do you.

We have so much going on that a lot of times we just don't take enough time to seek GOD's guidance. So when the tough times come, we just don't know how to deal.  It can be overwhelming. Friends and Family, if you are reading this today, it is time for you to dig deeper for your blessings.  GOD is blessing you anyway because if you are reading this HE woke you up this morning.  But HE desires a relationship with you so that HE can guide you, mold you, help you and most of all love you.  HE wants to see you succeed and grow. HE wants to take you to another level but you have to take your relationship with him to another level.

Last month I had a good run...I booked three jobs!!  It's mid-November and I have already booked two BIG jobs.  I'm shooting today and tomorrow and then I head to Tampa, Florida for another job that shoots on Friday. That's multiple jobs in ONE week.  If you are in my industry it is a big deal to have multiple jobs in one MONTH.  I'm also holding for another job that shoots next week.  We'll see how it goes. But I am already so very thankful for what GOD has done, is doing and will continue to do for me when I'm up and even when I'm down.  But the favor of GOD is upon me.  Hallelujah!!

Until Next Time ... If you want HIM to MOVE YOU FORWARD ... you have to sacrifice your wants ... to get what you need.  I'll be praying for you.

1 comment:

  1. Dear cousin, I'm sitting here reading this and smiling because I hear your voice witnessing the goodness of our DADDY. Everyday this month I have been standing on this one particular verse and I have seen the hand of GOD move in areas so very quickly. And all because I say this maybe once or several times a day to remind myself this. I will trust in the LORD GOD with all my heart. I will not lean on my own understanding. In all my ways I will acknowledge HIM because it is HE, JESUS who will direct my paths. Being in ministry does not mean that ministers have it all together; we have challenges in life because we have lives to live. As well as be an encouragement for others. So I hear you darling; I get what you are saying; I know where you are coming from. I just told my daughter that all negative communication in her head, heart and ears come from the devil and that she must shut him up. It's his job to steal our happiness this is why GOD gives us joy; it's not based on how we feel. It's his job to kill dreams, goals and visions. This is why we must write them down and make them plain; place them in a place where we have to read them and remind ourselves of our mission. And it's his job to destroy us; this is why we must stay in the Word of GOD; spend time with the FATHER; attend church and overcome by the words of our testimony and the blood of the Lamb. i LOVE You!
