Friday, December 30, 2011

On Assignment

This month has been extremely busy for me. The auditions and jobs were pouring in and it was probably the busiest month of the year for me and I'm almost certain it may have been the busiest month since I've been in the business.

I recently traveled out of town for a job. In that town I have a friend I met a year ago on another job that also shot in that same town. We decided we were gonna try to make some time to get together while I was there. And we did.

I'm so happy we were able to get in few hours and catch up. But I have to say in one moment of talking with her I realized something. That this trip was more than me booking the job I was there to shoot, but I was sent on assignment.

There were several roles this client was auditioning talent for. I actually auditioned for two different roles. But not initially. It wasn't until the callback that I auditioned for the role I first auditioned for then the casting director asked if I could stay another minute to audition for another role. So I was like sure.

The additional role I auditioned for was originally for two Caucasian women. However, they wind up mixing it up and booking me with a Caucasian women. So not until our conversation was it all being made very clear to me. That GOD set this whole thing up. I was really here on assignment.

She has been going through a very difficult time with her relationship and friendships. It was sounding all too familiar to me but GOD knew the things I had gone through in the last year would definitely help her through all that she was going through right now.

Man I just had to smile because GOD is something else. Sometimes we get so caught up in our stuff that we don't realize the bigger picture of it all.  We all have to go through trials so that we can be a testimony for others. Sometimes we think its just us doing our thing, making things happen cause we are working so hard when really  its GOD lining things up, putting things in motion, picking the players, rearranging parts and creating HIS masterpiece.

She was able to take away some good lessons and advice for all that she is dealing with. GOD already knew last year what I was gonna be going through this year so I could help her in the new year.

My dear friend, if you read this, which I know you will ; ) , I am praying for you. TRUST and have FAITH. GOD wouldn't bring you TO it, if HE couldn't bring you THROUGH it. Love ya!

Until Next Time ... The sentiment above is for all of you as well.. GOD is always up to something for the greater good.  If you are struggling with a situation, your career, a friendship or relationship, know that you are exactly where GOD wants you to be.  He is preparing you for your next assignment. Make sure you are taking notes, you'll need to refer back them at some point.

GOD Bless.

Monday, December 12, 2011

Comment With Care

BLOG - online diary or personal journal    
COMMENT - casual remark
OPINION - belief or judgement

Although I'm aware that it may happen and its easy for a person reading a blog to generalize, form an opinion or even take what one says personal, this blog is about ME and situations I face or have gone through.  It is a tool for me to release and obviously, share, my thoughts.

Yes, it is in a public forum but it is intended to be a way for ME to get through situations and let them go. Its really sort of therapeutic. I also have a degree in journalism so writing is true to my heart.  And because of that education and being a creative being, I'm usually pretty visual in detail with my entries.   I paint a picture for the reader, pull them in and help them relate to what I'm dealing with.  Although visual and in detail, I use discretion as I never put anyone's name out there or any other detail that may be specific in identifying who a person may be ... if the situation involves other people.  And from my entries some, if not all,  have involved other people.

Honestly, GOD has given me the gift of LETTING GO. I've  never been that girl to hold grudges, even if what was done to me was far beyond what people could even think of forgiving.  It doesn't mean that person will be in my life the same as before, but at least I'm free of what that person did to me.  We all make mistakes.  Some more costly than others.

Even still, I don't use my blog to downplay anyone. Sometimes I may speak to a situation that did not sit well with me. It doesn't mean that that person is a bad person or I am talking bad about them.  I'm just calling it how I see it.  And sometimes, we see it differently. Its called agree to disagree.

All of my situations can apply to anyone reading it.  We all go though the same or similar situations. I'm not a doctor, psychiatrist, pastor or judge.  I'm not mean spirited, a hater or possessed during my writings.  More than likely its a situation that has been addressed and what you guys read is where I have landed in my decision to let it go and fly into the universe.

I'm not perfect, free from error or fault.  I'm a human being with feelings trying to get through life just like the next person.  There is no right or wrong in these entries because these are my feelings.  I can chose how I want to express them as long as my intent is positive.

Despite how it may make one feel when reading my entries, the true essence of my writings is initially for my benefit.  If it helps others than that is a blessing.  But my blog is in no way to preach, counsel, judge, offend or be the answer.  My blog is not an article or column that requires the opinion of others.  (Sidenote: There is two-sides to every story.) I'm not running for office, trying to be popular, or gain acceptance from everybody. What I present is not always the entire story, as you guys would be reading for hours. But can be the piece of the story that got me to the point in which I needed or wanted to express my feelings so that I can move forward.

A couple of years of ago I decided to create this blog to help me as I was starting to embark on a new career, and as my career and life progressed, I started sharing experiences outside of my career journey because ALL our experiences help shape us. I've gotten positive emails and comments about my blog, from people I don't even know.  From different countries and continents. Its feels good to know that I am not alone in the situations I face.  Or that somehow I can be a voice for or to someone.

I didn't decide to put my stories out there to be judged, condemned, critiqued or assessed.  And although I'm aware that all the above may happen, doesn't mean its necessary or even conducive to helping me along in my process.  But everyone has a right to their opinion. But what they don't have a right to is to force their opinion on me.  There is a level of respect given to a person who can respect another's feelings without it causing unnecessary drama.

My intent is always to be positive. Some situations may have upset or disappointed me but I work hard to not let those situations take me to a place that draws me away from GOD. We all have a breaking point, and having a breaking point doesn't mean you have to lose control.  It just means you have had enough and now you have to move on, from, or away from a situation, relationship, friendship, job, etc that is not in the best interest for your life.  And that's OK. No one should try to make you feel guilty, remorseful or bad about a decision that you feel is right for your life.  Situations, Challenges, Lessons, Getting It, Moving On and Letting Go  ... is a part of everyones life.

And that's not being negative.  That's being honest. And if I cant be honest about how I do move forward than I hurt myself and those I continue to be around who have hurt or disappointed me. I can't please everyone and everyone may not like what I say, but I have a right to say how I feel without it being turned around into something demeaning or negative, especially when I have communicated that this in my writing.  I can dare to speak positively about every situation I face.

My blog, my feelings, my actions isn't something I need to justify but only to GOD. I only need to apply the lessons learned in the experience and move on with grace and peace.  And I do because HE is.

Until Next Time ... if you take time to stop by and read my blog, subscribe to it, or any blog for that matter, take it for what it's worth as it applies to your life, or not ... don't pick it apart.  Instead of judging, capture the entire essence of what was written, process it, if you must, sleep on it, if it affected you that much, pray about it even, and pray that person success with dealing and moving on from that experience. We're all trying to make it through this game called LIFE. Everyone has a different way of playing the cards they've been dealt.  It is not up to anybody to tell you how you should play your hand.

Thanks so much to all of you who take the time to read my blog. If it has helped you in any way, that is truly divine intervention.  If you don't like what you read, then please, with love and grace, just don't read it.  Everything is not for everybody.  Interpretation is everything. If you interpret negative, that's exactly what you get.

Peace, Love and God's Blessings for you all.  I'm rooting you even if you ain't rooting for me ... : )

Going Out With A Bang

As the year comes to a close, as you can see I've had much to say about my FAITH, having FAITH, being FAITHFUL and staying FAITHFUL.  There is much to say about me sustaining almost 5 years in the modeling and acting industries and being quite successful, keeping my head on straight and maintaining my FAITH in the process.

I've learned the importance of fasting, letting go of unhealthy relationships and not beating myself up about it, realizing that I have GOD appointed assignments that require me to stick around longer than maybe my flesh would like to,  processing situations before I react personally or negatively, loyalty among friends, support without judgement, and doing what I say I'm going to do .. following through, even if I'm dead tired or have a million things to do.

I'm sure all the above will be a constant in my life but sometimes certain aspects are made more clear at a certain time. In GOD's time, of course.

So only a few weeks left in the year and I must say it has been a roller coaster ride. This month alone was overwhelming.  Lot's of auditions happen the early part of the month because clients/advertisers are trying to close out their budgets before the end of the year.  In one week I had 7 clients interested in booking me.  Keep in mind all of these clients were shooting in or around the same week.  So I was holding each client with options.  Let me explain. In the past, I explained to you that when a client places you on hold, they are highly considering you for the job, i.e print job, commercial, etc.

So the first client that calls, gets the first option, the second that calls, gets the second option, and so on and so forth.  Each basically has to wait in line until the days are released by the one ahead of them.  Most of the clients had me holding the entire week because they had not yet nailed down the day of their shoots.  A couple knew exactly what day. In all this happening, was just more proof of how GOD works, how good HE is and the FAVOR HE has over my life.  I mean seven clients in one week!  If you know this industry or anyone in it, that's pretty big!

I knew that I wasn't going to be able to do them all, as some jobs may have shot on the same day or overlapped.  But my chances were good.  But then I remembered who I serve and realized that really if GOD had it in his plan for me to book them all, that HE was the only one who could make it happen.  So I just sat back and let him work.

My dad called me on a Wednesday to ask how I was doing and I told him I was Blessed. He said "you already know you're Blessed ... you have Grace."  If you look up the word Grace is means: A MANIFESTATION OF FAVOR, ESPECIALLY BY A SUPERIOR.  Insert praise dance here.  After telling him about all the jobs that were in line to possibly book me, he said, you'll probably book 4 out of the 7.  By Friday, I had booked 4 out of the 7.  Can you say JESUS!!

I have a busy two weeks ahead, and am even headed to Orlando for one of my shoots.  GOD worked that thing out, and I have a feeling, he's not quite finished.   If there was even more reason to believe in the power of GOD, start from the beginning of my blog and read to today and you can see how HE has continued to be Faithful, maybe even when I had a little doubt.  I'm not perfect, but I tell you I must be doing something right in my life.  That indeed, my heart is in the right place in EVERYTHING I do.

Also, remember this: "God's purpose is for us to be a means of blessing. When HE blesses us, it is not only for ourselves, but for all those around as well.  In that way, even our very presence becomes a blessing to others, for GOD will always watch out for us and take care of us.  He blesses with such abundance that we cannot help but for it to splash over onto others.  It is designed for their benefit as well as ours."

Until Next Time ... I look forward to sharing more of what GOD has in store for me and I pray that you receive all that HE has in store for you.  Proverbs 8:35 - For whoever finds me finds life,  And obtains favor from the Lord.

Produced By Faith

I used to be a lover of reading when I was a child. Even wrote a book one of my step-sisters friends marveled about.  Years had passed since I had wrote that book and she was still amazed that a 6th grader could right such an awesome story.

Where that book is now. I have no idea. What that book was about.  I have no idea. But I do remember writing it.  I've tried to get back into reading more.  That feat has not been so successful. Eventhough not consistent, I have been reading a book called "Produced By Faith" by Devon Franklin.  He talks about doing what he loves while still honoring his commitment as a Christian in his line of work.  This is all to familiar with the industry that Im in.

But he uses his line of work as a metaphor to the principles Christians should apply to their daily lives to succeed with GOD and HIS purposes for your life.  But moving forward with where I am trying to take this entry.  Really, honestly, I cannot complain about my life.  It has been pretty darn good considering what some others have gone through.  I've experienced deaths, physical pain, heartbreaks, disappointments, challenges, you name it.  A little bit of everything has come across my plate.

However, being raised in a Christian household with a strong support system has helped me beat the odds.  If that's what you wanna call them.  People have often wondered why I don't hold grudges, or even more so lately, let other peoples negative intentions take me to a boiling point and want to just rip into them for bringing that mess up into my house, my temple, my spirit.  

And in reading the book and just looking back over my life, accepting the things I cannot change, and praying for those who just can't seem to find that same peace within themselves, it is confirmed, justified, sanctified, realized and predestined that I am a PRODUCT OF FAITH.  That makes me want to shout to the heavens so that everyone can want to seek that feeling.

Problems will persist. You will be persecuted, let down and saddened! But JOY comes in the morning. My brothers and sisters continue in FAITH and watch how your blessings grow.  I am reaching new dimensions in my career and more importantly in my spirit.  I am able to swat the enemies pokes and prods with just a sway of my finger because the spirit of GOD dwells in me.  Wholeheartedly.  So you want me to get upset. NOPE!  You want me to be bothered. NOPE!  You want me to act like a fool cursing and yelling. NOPE!  NOPE! NOPE! and more NOPE!

Until Next Time ... Pray that GOD gives you the dwelling of the Spirit so that you can stand strong in knowing that HE is in control ... OF EVERYTHING!!! The enemy has no room in your house.