This blog initially was to chronicle my journey as I pursue (now doing) the career of my dreams. But that journey has also included things going on in my personal life. Although I'm very private about the personal, here I invite others in by sharing what I think is necessary to help me deal with things going on in my own life or to possibly help others get through similar things going on in their lives. Maybe motivate them to pursue a dream, find their peace or just feel better.
I had stopped blogging for a while. Not intentionally. It just kind of fell by the waist side and other things started taking precedence. Including, me allowing an overwhelming amount of sadness and negative feelings to star in my play of life. As I grow in my journey and process all that has happened, TODAY a light bulb turned on, I saw the light at the end of the tunnel, my RAY of light had made its presence known. It has always been there but with clouds of guilt, doubt and fear hanging over my head, following me into the next scene of my life, that light was flickering in the wind.
We all want to be happy. We often look for some thing or some one for that happiness. But when in reality it is up to us to create our own happiness. Happiness is a journey not a destination. Its not something to be in pursuit of. It's just something we have to choose.
To choose to be in a negative state of thinking is to choose to have a victim mentality. Who wants to go around for the rest of their lives claiming to be a victim. NO, claim the VICtory! God did not bring you hear to be born into a life of misery. You can create the scenes of your life. You can create your happiness. "As you begin your journey, it helps to understand that what you are engaging in is nothing more or less than mind training, the creation of new habits of thought that in turn generate positive feelings."
To my friend who inspired this insert, thank you for sharing your light with me so I can start re-creating the scenes of my life. The life GOD intended for me.
Until next time, GO claim your RAY of light and let it shine shine shine.
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