Happy New Year! It has been quite some time since I've last blogged. Not sure how I got off kilter, but LIFE happens. It can cause alot of things TO happen or NOT happen. 2010 was exciting, sad, confusing and frustrating. I'm sure every year to come will endure some of those same sentiments. Not that I'm anticipating it but that's life. You take the good with the bad. All in all in it builds character.
Professionally, it was a great year! I was busy working and going on tons of auditions that would get me seen in front of some awesome clients. Friends and family were seeing me in all kinds of print ads and TV spots. It was incredible. Personally, so many things took place.
The clouds: Dealing with the death of my grandfather and death itself. Deciding to let go of unhealthy relationships. Losing focus spiritually and mentally. Figuring out where my life was heading and ultimately, coming to terms with it and how I was going to fulfill it from here on out. What had to be my NOW. I had to be honest with myself and more importantly with GOD. I knew that I needed work and I was going to set out to be the best person I could be here on out. I'm a work in progress. ; )
The rainbow: Transformation is the best word to describe why my heart is so full of joy at this very moment. I saw how GOD transformed depression and sullenness to vibrant and ambitious. Isolation and detachment to fellowship and connection to loved ones and to people they would have probably never encountered had they remained so disengaged. Greed and selfishness to an overwhelming desire to give more. Transformation from negatives to amazing positives. Positives that were internalized so that others may now benefit from their rainbow.
When we are in an angry, depressed, ignorant just plain ole negative state, it is very hard for us to see the rainbow in the clouds. But the light is always there. We forget that GOD has placed us here so that we can be a rainbow or blessing in someone else's life. It's not just about "US".
We can't allow the circumstances of our lives to take precedence over what GOD has intended us to be not just for ourselves but for others. We have to get outside of ourselves and our situations and minister to others. But if you teach, you have to live what you're teaching.
Don't allow bitterness, envy, jealously, anger or fear to come and kill your perspective. Where ever we are in life, we have to realize that we have not always been there. "It came to pass." Keep your perspective. Get your heart right. Sometimes that means letting go of people you love and things you love to do. It hurts but it's necessary.
I believe in life, alot of people try to do whats right. Right may not be expedient. Right may not be profitable. Right may not be comfortable at first, it may not even be cheerful but in the end, it will surely satisfy your soul. It is protection to your well being. If you have a relationship with GOD, you really understand this.
Keep site of your rainbow in the clouds.
Until Next Time ... GO GET IT!
Really strong good stuff. There's alot of value in this information, keep it going babe.