It's been a little over a month since I've last blogged. I apologize for those who are following. A combination of things have led to my lack of motivation to put in a insert; being busy, lazy, uninspired and getting ready for a trip I just got back from.
I really started this blog with alot of enthusiasm. This one was not going to end up like the one I started a year ago. But I guess things can come in between my "peace" of mind as this blog often gave me when venting or sharing things I wouldn't normally express outside my circle. But just like I made a commitment to my career, I'm going to try and do better at committing to this blog ... at least as much as possible.
Between the time I got back in town yesterday and today, I've slept probably a total of 16 hours. Vacation can be exhausting especially if it involves going out late, getting in early and not getting enough solid hours of sleep. But I did have fun. I went to Miami with two of my girlfriends who are also in the industry. We managed to do a little business during our trip as we did photo shoots and one visited an agency. As freelancers we work to get representation in different markets to expand our opportunities. Miami is a great market.
In between partying, basking in the sun, meeting numerous people, networking, shopping, eating and even some disagreements, we did have a really good time and managed not to kill each But often times when I go away, I'm always happy to get back home to my own bed and surroundings. I'm also ready to get back to work. This month was pretty dry. I had one gig at the top of the month and that was it. I was on vacation for 5 days so no castings/auditions or bookings.
But vacation is over and its time to get back on track and FOCUSED. I'm working on new images for my book and comp cards, staying in shape, eating right, and thinking about going natural with my hair (for the 3rd time). I was going to probably do it in a few years but it may come sooner than later. It really depends on how determined and disciplined I can be during the process ...because it is a process.
Well friends, this isn't much but a start. I hope to be more consistent with the blogs. After all, you are following me. ; )
Until Next Time (which will be sooner than later) GO GET IT!!!
Its about time Mosey Wosey, been waiting on ya. See ya on the next entry:-D