Saturday, April 24, 2010

Hurry Up and Wait

Well the 3 to 4 hour shoot turned out be hours of waiting. My agency sent me a call time for 8am, however when I get to the studio, I got a warm NC welcome and a "you're early." Say what? I could have slept an extra hour? As you get older, sleep becomes extremely essential.

They tell me my call time was actually at 9am. Ok so, I decided to go down the street to get me some breakfast. I hit the Food Lion for some fruit, get a steak bagel from McDonald's and fill up the tank for the ride home. As you can figure out, there was no craft service provided. No biggie ... I'm lying! Yall know I gotta have me some food. Had I known the call time was at 9a, I could have eaten breakfast back at the hotel for FREE.

They did ask me if I needed anything ... How bout a buffet sir, ma'am? Some turkey bacon, eggs and maybe some potatoes. UNH UH! SMH.

Anyway this day turned out to be what seemed to be the longest day ever. The client was not in-house. So this is how it went. We are NC. The client is in Atlanta. They have an office in NYC and an office in Indiana. We take the pictures and they are sent off to those offices to be approved. The pictures are assessed/approved by 16 people. HUH? If things on the set needed to be adjusted ... we took more pictures. If my wardrobe needed to be tweaked ... we took more pictures. If they wanted me to be doing something different ... we took more pictures. We took about a total of 16 pictures ... if that and that's nothing compared to the amount of pictures I've taken on other shoots. But the turn around was 2 hours in between each session. It was totally ridiculous. Even the photographer and set designers were extremely surprised at how long this process was taking.

I should have been out of there at least by 1p. Around 2p, they asked if I was hungry and wanted lunch. Uhhhhhh...HECK YEAHHHH! I ordered a spinach and shrimp salad from some Italian place the owner of the studio was raving about. After I ate, there was more sitting and more waiting. I read magazines, took quizzes, wrote notes, grocery and to do lists. Killing time any way I could. I even stared out the window taking in the birds, trees and the sky.

After a 2nd or 3rd 2 hour waiting session, I'm back on the set. This time they wanted me to remove the belt from my sweater, which didn't actually go to the sweater. I was being creative and the woman who approved wardrobe loved it. But it may have been a little too stylish. We are talking Home Depot. Anywho, after 3 or 4 shots, I'm back to sitting and waiting. Praying for a stamp of approval.

Finally at about 10 minutes to 6 people!!! We get approved and finally I get my get out of jail free card. Deep breath and I prepare for my 5 hour drive back to MD. It wasn't too bad. But I was tired when I got back to the house. It didn't take long for me be passed the heck out. This weekend...I'm chillin'. If someone wants me to go somewhere, they're gonna have to come pick me up. I'm done driving for at least the next 3 days.

Until Next Time ... GO GET IT!!! And Ima GO GET some rest! ; )

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