The last few months have been a little hard to swallow. I've been auditioning quite frequently ... every week, just about everyday, sometimes 2 or 3 auditions in one day. I've been called back or on hold for most of those auditions and I ain't booked not a one. (insert twisted face here)
What happened to my fire? Well it appears it has fizzled...(just for now)... But when its fizzling more than smoking, I figure out quickly what the issue is. LACK OF COMMUNICATION AND PRAYER WITH GOD. HE always knows how to reel me back in. And I'm not just talking about a little prayer on the side of the bed. I'm talking about going in the closet, in the darkness and seeking intercession.
The LORD giveth ... and the LORD taketh away... so don't get too cute strolling down your runway of success that you forget to recognize (on a daily basis) the ONE responsible for ALLOWING you to have opportunities you never fully imagined. Sure, our lives are already mapped out. Predestined. But um, if you know the GOD I know, HE can very well change your course.
Trust me, I've been through enough challenging experiences to know that HE will never leave me nor forsake me. It doesn't mean the enemy isn't constantly on his job trying to fill my head with negative feelings. He wants me to wear discouragement, self-pity and sadness. Which is why its important we learn the word so that we can pray scripture when he's trying to attack.
I subscribe to a few bible study and inspirational sites to help me with staying the course. But even they can get backed up and placed in a folder to read later. One things for sure, I ain't busy working right now so I got plenty of time to be in the word. BINGO! See how GOD works. Sometimes you gotta just laugh ... because we know better. We know HE loves us so all we can say is "I know I know" and get to work.
One of the christian communities/sites I subscribe to had a series called Dressed for Success. It started out with the obvious, entering the workforce, interviewing and the sort. But furthermore, it stated something so obvious to most Christians, but still very powerful in its teaching that touched me that I realized it was time to blog. Yeah I know ... its been a minute. ; )
It said, "if we step into the arena of life dressed in our own human power and abilities we will surely fail, but if we are dressed in the power and armor of GOD, we will experience SUCCESS." AMEN to that!!! Ain't nothing but the T.R.U.T.H, TRUTH. So why wouldn't I, You or Anybody Else not stay grounded in the word? Why wouldn't we set time aside to have a lil chat with HIM? It can only help us be amazingly successful in EVERYTHING we do.
Until Next Time ... No matter how good we look going in for an interview or an audition or how much we think we have it in the bag, GOD has the final say. No matter how many successes we've had or amazing opportunities have opened us for us, nothing else can equip us more, take us to our fullest potential then seeking and staying in the word of GOD. What are you waiting for?